Monday, 25 January 2010


Some of my favourite pieces have been plucked from complete obscurity and vomited onto the page totally by chance. Old squid face here is proof of that. Christened after H.P.Lovecraft and as much a product of testing new markers as any need to explore the myth he's proved rather popular over on Flickr.
I'm trying to draw every day now..compulsion is a wonderful if not entirely creative process, and increase the number of techniques I'm using.
Little chance of that though...I'm a sucker for safe working practices and need to escape my shell a little.

Embroidery patterns maybe...

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Bored to death

Bored to death, originally uploaded by bitsOfBobs.

Discovered this little nugget as I was browsing the highways and byways of flickr....what is a byway?
Illustrated/illuminated by Bits of Bobs it is everything I love about drawing.
Detailed, interesting, humorous, persistent yet utterly irrelevant.
There are legions of intricate little skulls all cascading across the page like so many winner less lottery tickets.

Check out the bitsofBobs blog too, I imagine it would be rewarding.
Like stealing Pick'n'mix but without the risk of prosecution or guilt.

Monday, 18 January 2010

I find your lack of faith disturbing...

Here's a montage...not as good as the one in Rocky IV when he was preparing for the big fight against Ivan Draggo, who was quite obviously using steroids which would make the contest null and void in my book, by running up that mountain and fighting sabre tooth cats.

I'm a big fan of skulls. Always drawn them, fascinating things I feel....never quite understand how they hold your eyeballs in, but I'm no scientist.

Laughter is an indicator of intense paranoia.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Earo Sketch

Earo Sketch, originally uploaded by Earo!.

Earo 's letters are a constant source of joy. Similar to putting your spoon in the seal on a jar of Nescafe, popping bubble wrap, or indeed laughing at old duffers falling over.
His attention to detail is probably the reason I await anything new with a sense of anticipation.
Unique yet based on a solid technical founding...jeez listen to me, talking like I know what I'm going on about....anyway he/she's is fucking marvelous.
Enjoy more by clicking on the image.

Thursday, 14 January 2010


Compare and contrast...

Thought it might be interesting to see the difference between two pieces once the marker's had been dug out.

Added colour using Magic Markers...I'm not sure just how Magic they are. As good as the Great Suprendo?


The background is alittle subdued, but perhaps it makes the word stand out.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Black Book

Here's the little blighter...

Take's up too much of my time and space. Well not so much the space, being A5 means it's small enough to fit in backpacks, holdalls and those 'bag for life', things the supermarkets give out.

Bag for Life...ridiculous, how do they know? Such outlandish claims!

Anywho, it's not black, more a tan colour but it's definitely a book and now full of stuff and has become extremely valuable to me...if no-one else.

I genuinely think passer's by assume it's an extra limb.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


tamecreature, originally uploaded by tameblue.

If I'm honest, and I rarely am, my use of colour ain't the most bestest. I have the subtle touch of Jack the Ripper when it comes to adding it and avoid whenever possible.

I've already mentioned how I enjoy the look of monochrome anyway, but a touch of visual illumination can enhance a tired looking piece.

This particular effort was inspired by the horror movies of old and it shouldn't be difficult spotting the references...well unless you have never watch a horror movie of course..GET OUT YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE...or you're Polyphemus the one-eyed son of Poseidon blinded by that wag Odysseus.

In which case don't worry about it.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Geisha print

Geisha print, originally uploaded by the cloud commission.

The Cloud Commision is a rather splendid fellow and a producer of wonderous things.

This Geisha print is but one, and I recommend checking out others.

Simple yet effective, like a claw hammer on the back of a seal puppy's head, but without the unsightly brain mush and red foot prints in the snow.

I think he's from Hull.

Pen and ink...

Another montage/collective/ co-operative/ messy one.

Plenty going on in here, some of which is autobiographical, the rest is just graphical.
I'm not one for emptying my mental guts onto a page, but the odd nod to events inside my head does release them for pasture periodically, before locking them back in the cage and feeding them offal.
Drawing in biro is great for a 'just get on with it' approach, no rubbers or tippex here, just a lot of black lines.
Can I get an Amen!?

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Space Kook

Space Kook, originally uploaded by [rich].

Rich is a genius, and whilst avoiding the temptation of ripping out large chunks of his creative imagination and transplanting it into my own head, he's a continual source of inspiration.

I imagine he can cook a mean spaghetti bolognese too. I have no grounding for this, merely a hunch.

Drawn of the Dead

They're coming.....the zombie hordes, the legions of the undead, animated cadavers of chaos....

Alright they're not, but a little 'bigging up' never harmed anyone.
More of a quick sketch this one, enlightened with a touch of rouge. I tend to avoid colour, especially the colour red, but felt adventurous. Many would argue that colouring a skirt in red felt tip pen hardly borders on Indiana Jones, but I'd then be forced to poke them a little.

My subject matter is always dark, macabre almost...but I find it more exciting. The reason I avoid the manga style, though I love it, is it's inherent cuteness.
My little Pony skinny and bony, made out of plastic hair is elastic.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Vinyl stickers

I started designing vinyl stickers over a year ago, and apart from some trial runs and a few loose copies none of them have materialised.
Most of them are based on these little critters that have also now cropped up in my blackbook.

I called these ones moon men, but they look more like paracetamol tablets. I thought paracetamol men was a bit of a mouthful, unlike paracetamol tablets themselves which are easily swallowed to aid with pain relief...handy that.

I love working in monochrome, especially black and white, very graphic. At some point I'll photoshop a few of these ...not yet though, enjoying pens too much for that.

Feel free to add any comments....even vile and abusive rants are welcome at this early stage, please avoid over excessive use of the word wanker though, tends to grate after a while.

Thursday, 7 January 2010


MEsita, originally uploaded by Gabriel Carrique.

Rock n roll....
No idea how this translates into English...perhaps 'here's some drawings I did on a large empty roll that used to contain wire', that would be the rational thing to note.

But hey, the worlds a crazy messed up place...

Muchos respect goes to Gabriel Carrique for this work fella


My little black book follows me everywhere, thankfully it's obedient and no longer urinates on the floor.

I've got loads of them now, although I never seem to finish a complete book before starting a new one.
My habits have changed down the years, I no longer seem to sketch in them as such, if I haven't got a fairly solid idea for a piece I don't even begin. I used to draw any old shit, but I want each page to look 'mint' these days.

Might have to aquire another one for rougher sketches perhaps?

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


I owe this here picture a great deal...

As so often is the case, my best pieces materialise from my lowest points. This was inspired by work, a bad day at the office.
I don't work in an office, nasty place full of ties and paper clips, but it's what you're meant to say...saw it in a film once.

Drawn in biro, it became the first of many ball point pen drawings I have conjured up.

Cheers brainfeck.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


grem, originally uploaded by tameblue.

This little fellow is called Grem, which is short for ogre...he took me a few days to complete.

All pen and ink, using dots...pointilism for you officiandos....and despite the length of time it takes me, I rather enjoy the process of removing large areas of white and filling it with dots.

A new beginning...perhaps

Welcome...or something.

I'm starting again, for now, until I stop again and become disillusioned by the whole of creation and read comics instead.

I've decided to use this blog to start publicising the work I not that work, proper work, drawing and stuff.

It's mostly graffiti based stuff, with a few mythical beasties, gremlins and aquatic animals thrown in for good measure.

I'll start by chucking in a few newish pieces and backdate my work as I go along....see how that works.

This was inspired by the zenobites...