Thursday, 7 January 2010


MEsita, originally uploaded by Gabriel Carrique.

Rock n roll....
No idea how this translates into English...perhaps 'here's some drawings I did on a large empty roll that used to contain wire', that would be the rational thing to note.

But hey, the worlds a crazy messed up place...

Muchos respect goes to Gabriel Carrique for this work fella


My little black book follows me everywhere, thankfully it's obedient and no longer urinates on the floor.

I've got loads of them now, although I never seem to finish a complete book before starting a new one.
My habits have changed down the years, I no longer seem to sketch in them as such, if I haven't got a fairly solid idea for a piece I don't even begin. I used to draw any old shit, but I want each page to look 'mint' these days.

Might have to aquire another one for rougher sketches perhaps?