Sunday, 14 March 2010

A New Hope

I'm a dick....

One of the real plus points of having no-one read this blog, is that no-one can argue with me.

The stickers displayed on the post below are going in the bin...and I'm a dick.

I must have seen the Buff Monster about four years ago and allowed it to get in my head because the stickers I thought I'd created are just the bastard offspring of said monster.
No-ones going to believe me, but truly I did not intend to rip off the monster. I sketched it once and then designed all my creations around that sketch....blah blah blah.
Truly I'm not into copying anyone...why would I?
I really upset some people...and I'm sorry.
Anyway, I'm going low key for a confidence is in tatters.
Here's the replacements....
I'm a dick

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